
Showing posts from August, 2015

The unresolved question of electoral reform and what that means for Uganda's 2016 elections

Come 2016, Uganda will go to the polls with yet again the question of an unresolved “legal map”.    Whereas we may boast of having had a “road map” several years before the next election, the “legal map” for the 2016 election has again not been clearly defined especially to the people’s expectations.    The boarders and boundaries of this “legal map” have since 2001 been a big issue – with several stakeholders unremittingly      suggesting how this can be plugged, but in vain.      Since 2001, one of the highlights of each subsequent election cycle has always been to postpone concrete electoral reforms – talk about shelving a problem and deferring a solution.    That is exactly what it has been!    Someone else could look at it differently; the small incremental reforms that have been undertaken since the early 2000s could be seen as mere soothers to a serious malignancy.    Of what use would it be to take an  aspirin  capsule once a week with faith that it will cure a fully blow